Coach | Hypnotherapist | Astrologer | Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Paulo da Costa- A little bit about me...

  • My mission is to help you to become the best version of yourself. I use a holistic approach by employing a mix of different therapies like hypnotherapy, coaching, astrology and shamanic healing. I can help you to set goals, overcome fears and create a life where you feel fulfilled and happy.
  • The Struggle

    I was born in Lisbon, Portugal, and since 1990, at the age of 13, I battled with an unknown condition of extreme pain, weakness and extreme sickness that affected me on a monthly basis. I've been in several specialists where they all fail to find an answer or a diagnosis.
    After I finished my degree in Public Relations and Advertising, I worked in the highly stressful environment of media. These violent monthly episodes that affected my health and work brought me to a state of stress, anxiety and even depression.
  • The Discovery

    In 2003, after many attempts to understand what caused these episodes, I went to hypnotherapy sessions that helped me to understand and relieved some of the pain and anxiety of these monthly episodes. Following that, I went to an astrology session that clearly gave me a huge insight into my current situation and my path.
    I felt my quality of life-improving slightly, my calling became clearer. I trained as a regression hypnotherapist and astrologer whilst having my daily job in media. I slowly started to provide consultations on an ad-hoc basis. In 2006,  after many years of searching, I was diagnosed with Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome and started to take medication for this condition and moved to Edinburgh, Scotland during that year.
  • The Path

    After moving to Scotland in 2006, I kept working in media and marketing as my daily job working for several companies, nonetheless, my passion for my therapies was evident. I kept taking the medication for this incurable syndrome nonetheless I still kept having episodes that took me to the hospital on a monthly basis where I was administered morphine to stop the pain.
    In 2012, I trained as a certified clinical hypnotherapist and life coach
    whilst still working on my daily job in the UK. In 2013 I decided to start my hypnotherapy business. In 2017, after more than 11 years of being administered morphine on a monthly basis due to the extreme pain, I realized that I was addicted to morphine. I overcame it and never been to the hospital since nonetheless, it brought me episodes of deep depression which were "slightly tamed" by anti-depressants.  I looked for help and found some with shamanic practices. Soon after that, I trained as a shamanic practitioner.
  • The Birth of the Holistic Coach

    In 2018, I became a trainer and Coach for Google Digital Garage in Edinburgh, where I coached and trained over 1,000 people in different disciplines. At the same time, I made the conscious decision to work on a part-time basis as the holistic coach by merging mainly hypnotherapy and coaching, but used astrology and shamanic practices as well.
    After the exit of Google Digital Garage in Edinburgh in 2019, I stopped the antidepressants, and started working as the holistic coach providing sessions to several clients and helping them. The final piece of the puzzle was complete when I finished my qualification as a cognitive behavioural therapist in 2021.
    My path was to become a therapist and trainer on a full-time basis by merging hypnotherapy, cbt and life coaching
    . As a result of the ongoing self-development, discovery, treatment, change of lifestyle, following my true path my health began to improve overcoming the odds of these episodes of this incurable syndrome and depression.
    I have no doubt in my mind that I was put on this Earth that to help people to heal, to self-develop and to become empowered. All the qualifications I attained, the sessions I provided to my patients and their improvement as well as the personal experiences I had, made me a better person and a better therapist.  I am as professional and as real as you might find. I am like everyone else, unique in their own right.
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  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Diploma in Advanced Life Coaching  Skills 
  • Diploma in Regression Hypnotherapy
  • Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Diploma in Astrology
  • Diploma as Shamanic Practitioner
  • BA in PR, Advertising and Marketing in INP - Portugal
  • Mental Health First Aid – NHS
  • Becoming a trainer- Google
  • Quantic Apometry – Carina Greco (Brazil)

Would you like to know more?

I can help you to overcome a difficult situation by using the combination of all of these therapies!